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/ Loadstar 9 / 009.d81 / in between (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1985-01-01  |  3.8 KB  |  144 lines

  1. 100 gx=53272:uc=21:lc=23:sc=1024:co=55296::of=co-sc
  2. 110 bo=53280:bc=53281:sd=54272
  3. 120 rempoke ml "quiet" routine 
  4. 130 forx=50000to50018
  5. 140 reada:pokex,a:next
  6. 150 data169,0,133,253,169,212,133,254
  7. 160 data160,0,152,145,253,200,192,24
  8. 170 data208,249,96
  9. 180 print"[147]   [144]in between":pokegx,uc
  10. 190 pokebc,7:pokebo,2:dimc%(52):k$=""
  11. 200 pa$="                                       "
  12. 210 e$=""+pa$+pa$+pa$
  13. 220 input"   how many players  1[157][157][157]";n
  14. 230 ifn=0then220
  15. 240 ifn=1thenm(1)=100:goto260
  16. 250 forx=1ton:input"   name of player #";n$(x):m(x)=100:next
  17. 260 print"[147]   each player begins with $100.00"
  18. 270 print"   the ante per deal is $5.00"
  19. 280 print"   aces are always high"
  20. 290 print"   no doubles":gosub630:gosub1090:kt=0
  21. 300 print"":forz=1to9:print"            ":next
  22. 310 print"":forz=1to9:print"            ":next
  23. 320 print"":forz=1to9:print"            ":next
  24. 330 gosub960:ifp>0then380
  25. 340 ifn=1thenp=5
  26. 350 printe$;"[144]pot's empty!":print"everybody ante up!":gosub 720:printe$
  27. 360 forx=1to n:ifm(x)>=5thenp=p+5:m(x)=m(x)-5
  28. 370 next
  29. 380 kt=kt+1:ifkt>nthenkt=1
  30. 390 ifm(kt)<=0then380
  31. 400 ifn=1then430
  32. 410 printe$:print"";n$(kt);"'s turn"
  33. 420 gosub1040:d=500:gosub740
  34. 430 m(kt)=m(kt)-5:p=p+5
  35. 440 ifcl<6thenprinte$"":gosub630
  36. 450 gosub1040
  37. 460 gosub670:c1=c%(c):c%(c)=0:cd=1:ca=c1:gosub900:c1=ca:gosub750
  38. 470 gosub670:c2=c%(c):c%(c)=0:cd=2:ca=c2:gosub900:c2=ca:gosub750
  39. 480 ifabs(c1-c2)>1then510
  40. 490 print"tough luck!":gosub 1180:gosub720:print"[145]           "
  41. 500 printe$:goto610
  42. 510 printe$:input"your bet   0[157][157][157]";b$
  43. 520 l=len(b$):b$=right$(b$,l-10):b=val(b$)
  44. 530 ifb<=0then300
  45. 540 ifb>m(kt)orb>pthenprint"too much!        ":gosub1180:gosub720
  46. 545 ifb>m(kt)orb>pgoto510
  47. 550 m(kt)=m(kt)-b:p=p+b
  48. 560 gosub670:c3=c%(c):c%(c)=0:cd=3:ca=c3:gosub900:c3=ca:gosub750
  49. 570 cw=c1:ch=c2:ifc1>c2thencw=c2:ch=c1
  50. 580 ifc3<=cworc3>=chthenprinte$:print"[144]you lose!":gosub1260:goto600
  51. 590 printe$:print"[156]a winner!":gosub1360:m(kt)=m(kt)+2*b:p=p-2*b
  52. 600 gosub1040:gosub720
  53. 610 ifm(kt)<=5thengosub1130
  54. 620 printe$:goto300
  55. 630 print"shuffling[144]":forx=1to52:c%(x)=0:next:forx=1to52
  56. 640 y=int(rnd(1)*52)+1
  57. 650 ifc%(y)=0thenc%(y)=x:next:cl=52:printe$:return
  58. 660 goto640
  59. 670 c=int(rnd(1)*52)+1:ifc%(c)=0then670
  60. 680 cl=cl-1:ifc%(c)<14thens=1:return
  61. 690 ifc%(c)<27thens=2:return
  62. 700 ifc%(c)<40thens=3:return
  63. 710 s=4:return
  64. 720 d=800
  65. 730 remdelay subroutine
  66. 740 forde=1tod:nextde:return
  67. 750 sp$="":vt$="":br$="":bl$=""
  68. 760 ifcd=2thensp$=""
  69. 770 ifcd=3thenvt$=vt$+"":sp$="":br$="[165]":bl$="[157][167]"
  70. 780 s$=mid$("[211][218][193][216]",s,1):su$="[156]":ifs>2thensu$="[144]"
  71. 790 n1$=str$(ca):l=len(n1$)
  72. 800 ifl=2thenn$=right$(n1$,1)+" "
  73. 810 ifca=10thenn$="10":n1$=n$
  74. 820 ifca=11thenn$="j ":n1$=" j"
  75. 830 ifca=12thenn$="q ":n1$=" q"
  76. 840 ifca=13thenn$="k ":n1$=" k"
  77. 850 ifca=14thenn$="a ":n1$=" a"
  78. 860 ifcd=3thenprint"[144][164][164][164]"
  79. 870 printvt$;sp$;su$;bl$;n$;"  ";s$;br$:bl$=""
  80. 880 forx=1to2:printsp$;"     ":next:printsp$;"  ";s$;"  "
  81. 890 forx=1to2:printsp$;"     ":next:printsp$;s$;"  ";n1$:print"[144]":return
  82. 900 ifca<14then940
  83. 910 ifca<27thenca=ca-13:goto940
  84. 920 ifca<40thenca=ca-26:goto940
  85. 930 ca=ca-39
  86. 940 ifca=1thenca=14
  87. 950 return
  88. 960 ifn=1andm(n)<=5thenprint"[147][156]sorry! you're out!":goto1150
  89. 970 ifn=1thenreturn
  90. 980 j=0:forh=1ton
  91. 990 ifm(h)>5thenj=j+1:w1=h
  92. 1000 next
  93. 1010 ifj>1thenreturn
  94. 1020 pokebo,8:pokebc,4:print"[147][144]";n$(w1);"[146] is the":print"winner with $";
  95. 1030 r=1:kt=w1:gosub1040:printm$:goto1150
  96. 1040 m=m(kt):m1=m-int(m):m$=str$(m1)+"00":m$=str$(int(m))+"."+mid$(m$,2,2)
  97. 1050 ifr=1thenreturn
  98. 1060 p1=p-int(p):p$=str$(p1)+"00":p$=str$(int(p))+"."+mid$(p$,2,2)
  99. 1070 print""k$"you have":printk$"        ":printk$"[145]$"m$
  100. 1080 printk$"pot:    ":printk$"        ":printk$"[145]$"p$"":return
  101. 1090 pokebc,5:pokebo,5:print"[147]";:forz=1to23:printpa$:nextz
  102. 1100 forz=sc+39tosc+999step40:pokez,160:pokez+of,5:nextz
  103. 1110 forz=sc+859tosc+999:pokez,160:pokez+of,5:nextz
  104. 1120 pokebo,5:pokebc,1:return
  105. 1130 ifn=1thenreturn
  106. 1140 printe$:print"[144]you're out of it,":print""n$(kt):gosub720:return
  107. 1150 d=4500:gosub720:input"play again   y[157][157][157]";a$
  108. 1160 ifa$="y"thenrun
  109. 1170 print"[147]":goto63000
  110. 1180 remhonk!
  111. 1190 sys50000:remcall silence routine
  112. 1200 poke54296,15:poke54277,64
  113. 1210 poke54278,128:poke54273,11
  114. 1220 poke54272,210:poke54276,17
  115. 1230 d=250:gosub740
  116. 1240 poke54276,16
  117. 1250 sys50000:return
  118. 1260 remdown sound
  119. 1270 sys50000
  120. 1280 pokesd+24,15:pokesd+5,192
  121. 1290 pokesd+6,250
  122. 1300 forxx=240to20step-5
  123. 1310 pokesd+1,xx
  124. 1320 pokesd+4,17
  125. 1330 next
  126. 1340 sys50000
  127. 1350 return
  128. 1360 rem winsound
  129. 1370 sys50000
  130. 1380 pokesd+24,15:pokesd+5,192
  131. 1390 pokesd+6,250
  132. 1400 forxx=1to10
  133. 1410 pokesd+1,100
  134. 1420 pokesd+4,17
  135. 1430 d=30:gosub740
  136. 1440 pokesd+1,150
  137. 1450 pokesd+4,17
  138. 1460 next
  139. 1470 sys50000
  140. 1480 return
  141. 63000 rem    connect back to l.s.
  142. 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"c.payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
  143. 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end